COVID-19 Rental Forms

The Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles has been working closely with our team of attorneys to ensure that rental housing providers have the forms they need to best deal with what will surely be challenging situations among property owners and their renters. We are pleased to announce that we have created NEW RENTAL FORMS to assist you in best dealing with COVID-19  (Coronavirus) issues and renters who are not able to pay rent during the COVID-19 local emergency period.

The new forms include the following:

  • Notice of COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act (Updated for S.B. 91)
  • Landlord Notifies Tenant of COVID-19 
  • Rights for Non-Payment of Rent
  • Tenant Notified Landlord of COVID-19 Financial Impact
  • Receipt for Partial Rent Payment
  • Standard Lease Rent Deferral Addendum
  • Notice Regarding COVID-19 & Rent Deferral RequestThree (3)-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit
  • Standard Lease Up to Twelve (12) Month Rent Deferral Addendum (12-Month Deferral Jurisdictions)
  • and many more!

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold, we will continuously update and modifying our available forms and notices to keep you in compliance with the very latest laws and regulations. Keep checking back to our website and our forms library for the latest update. Please visit our rental forms page at to access these COVID-19 forms and ALL other forms for rental housing providers.

AAGLA Office Closure

We ask for your patience during this unprecedented time.  We will do our best to serve your needs in the timeliest manner possible.