Support the AAGLA Issues PAC and Help Us to Fight Back on YOUR Behalf

Support the AAGLA Issues PAC and Help Us to Fight Back on YOUR Behalf

California’s rental housing providers are again under attack by a well-known and controversial adversary, Michael Weinstein, the President of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Numbered Proposition 33, or also known as the “Justice for Renters Act,” this proposed, November 2024 statewide ballot initiative would eliminate the protections rental housing providers have today under the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act. Proposition 33 gives full control over rent control regulations to local governments, and if this proposed initiative passes, the result will be disastrous. If Proposition 33 is passed, local jurisdictions could (and many will) impose price (rent) controls on vacancies when rental units turnover (“vacancy control”) and could also impose rent control on single-family homes and condominiums and on newly constructed residential buildings (or buildings constructed after passage of a local rent stabilization ordinance). The Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles is working to organize a strong opposition to this latest attack on our livelihoods and retirement income, but it will take money, lots of money.

Join With the Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles

HELP OPPOSE PROPOSITION 33: The 2024 Rent Control Ballot Initiative. Multi-million-dollar special interest groups are at it again — this time pushing their third flawed rent control initiative that will cause California’s housing crisis and cost of living to become even less affordable. The Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles has joined the fight to OPPOSE PROPOSITION 33, the flawed measure. But we need your help! Here’s why you should oppose the 2024 Rent Control Initiative:

  • Allows regulation of and price (rent) controls on single-family homes, condominiums and new construction.
  • Reduces housing supply – no one will want to build new housing when local rent “caps” are imposed on new construction. The loss of vacancy control will drive housing providers out of the rental business.
  • Drives up the cost of existing housing as housing supply will never keep up with growing demand – makes the housing crisis far worse.
  • Gives bureaucrats unlimited power to add fees on housing to administer and enforce rent control and tenant protection ordinances.
  • Adds tens of millions in new costs to local governments for the administration and enforcement of rent control ordinances.
  • Makes California’s housing crisis even worse

Nearly 60% of California Voters overwhelmingly REJECTED the nearly identical ballot measures TWICE in both 2018 (Prop. 10) and 2020 (Prop. 21). Help us to convince voters to REJECT PROPOSITION 33.

Here Are the Facts About Proposition 33

The same special interests behind the 2018 (Prop. 10) and 2020 (Prop. 21) rent control measures are at it again — despite losing overwhelmingly with nearly 60% of voters rejecting their initiatives. Proposition 33, 2024’s Rent Control ballot measure is nearly identical to, but worse than, the 2018 and 2020 versions and will cause California’s housing crisis and cost of living to become even less affordable.

Michael Weinstein, President of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, and his multi-million-dollar special interest group are at it again — this time pushing their third flawed initiative that will cause California’s housing crisis and cost of living to become even less affordable. This latest Weinstein initiative, which has qualified for the November 2024 ballot, undermines California’s bipartisan statewide rent control and tenant protection law (Assembly Bill 1482) passed in 2019 that has brought stability and predictability to landlords and renters — threatening to make California’s affordable housing crisis even worse.

Here’s why:

  • Puts Bureaucrats in Charge, Driving Up the Cost of Rent: Puts as many as 539 local rental boards in charge of rental housing, with bureaucrats deciding what people can or cannot do with their properties. This flawed initiative will give unelected local bureaucrats the power to add fees on rental housing without the voters’ approval — making rental housing even more expensive and driving up the cost of living. Even worse, it could lead to unelected local bureaucrats charging homeowners a fee for taking their homes off the rental market.
  • Makes the Housing Crisis Far Worse: Discourages new construction and drives up the cost of housing, making California’s housing crisis worse. This initiative will encourage property owners to take rental properties off the market, further reducing the housing supply and making the housing crisis even worse. It will prevent critical affordable housing development by creating an inconsistent and unpredictable patchwork of local rent control ordinances — driving up rents and housing costs even higher. This will hit low-income families especially hard.
  • Hurts Small Businesses and Homeowners: Allows for the regulation of single-family homes, condominiums and newer construction, and reduces property values – largely impacting small, mom-and-pop business owners who rely on properties as a source of income and retirement savings. This deeply flawed initiative allows local governments to impose rent control on apartments and privately owned single-family homes and condominiums without a vote of the people. It may even open the door to permanent price (rent) controls on private residences, including single-family homes.

Here’s an illustration of the impact Proposition 33’s passage might have on just one of your rental units that becomes vacant. Now, imagine not only the loss of income you might experience, but also the severe reduction in your property value that will result assuming a 12x to 18x gross rent multiplier. Your losses will be off the charts if Proposition 33 passes. We cannot afford to lose our right to raise rent to market after a vacancy. We cannot afford to let Proposition 33 pass.

Here’s How We Can Stop This! VOTE NO on PROPOSITION 33!

Let’s not make California’s housing crisis far worse. Please…you can help us by contributing to our opposition campaign. Give what you can…please give generously – every dollar counts! Passage of Proposition 33 will cost you far more than the hundreds or thousands of dollars you give to our opposition efforts. 100% of the funds received will be used in the fight to oppose Proposition 33.

Help us to ensure the voice of reason and common sense is heard and that your property rights and property values are preserved.  We need your financial support to WIN!  Give us the resources we need to defeat this ill-conceived ballot initiative!

Please contribute today.  Don’t delay! Mail in your contribution today using the enclosed envelope. 

📨 Make your check payable to:  Issues PAC of AAGLA, c/o Reed & Davidson, LLP, 515 South Figueroa Street, Suite 1110, Los Angeles, California 90071-3301; Attn. Cary Davidson, Treasurer,

🖥️ Or contribute online: Support AAGLA Issues PAC.

More on Proposition 33, the So-Called “Justice for Renters“ Act, and the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act

Proposition 33, a rent control proposition called the “Justice for Renters Act,” will be on the November 5, 2024, ballot. The ballot proposition is sponsored by the same anti-rental housing coalition that sponsored the two previous measures that were defeated, Proposition 10 in 2018 and Proposition 21 in 2020. Now, rental housing providers must defeat this third attack bankrolled by Michael Weinstein, the President of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation and an avowed anti-housing activist, and his minions.

  • The proposed ballot measure would expand the local government’s authority to enact rent control on all types of residential rental property, including newly constructed property, single-family homes, condominiums, and accessory dwelling units (ADUs). Moreover, the passage of the ballot initiative would allow local jurisdictions to eliminate “vacancy decontrol,” or the right to set rental rates for vacant units.
  • Under current state law (the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act of 1995), local jurisdictions are prevented from limiting (controlling) the rental rate on newer construction (built within the past 15 years), single-family homes, condominiums, and ADUs. In addition, current state law prohibits “vacancy control” so that housing providers may charge the going market rate when they have a vacant unit. In a state like New York, where “vacancy control” is allowed and recently expanded, the value of rental properties declined by approximately 40%. We cannot allow this to happen here in California.
  • The Justice for Renters Act ballot measure would repeal current state law and prohibit the state from limiting the right of cities and counties to maintain, enact, or expand residential rent control ordinances. According to the state’s Legislative Analyst, the enactment of the Justice for Renters Act would also reduce state and local revenues.

We can defeat this latest and third-ballot attack against rental housing. Based on our preliminary polling, our opposition arguments can stop this ballot initiative from passing. HOWEVER, if we do not have sufficient funds to “get the word out” and make our arguments known, then we will lose. Like Proposition 10 (2018) and Proposition 21 (2020), we must raise approximately $80 million to be able to buy the necessary media and collateral materials to successfully oppose the “Justice for Renters Act.” Don’t let the ”In-Justice for Landlords Act” pass and become the law of the land!


  • Please contribute whatever you can afford to defeat the so-called” Justice for Renters” Act at the “Contribute Here”: Support AAGLA Issues PAC
  • You may also mail a check payable to the AAGLA Issues PAC at AAGLA Issues PAC, Attn. Cary Davis, Treasurer, 515 South Figueroa Street, Suite 1110, Los Angeles, California 90071-3301.

We cannot afford to lose. WE MUST WIN! Help us to WIN!

If you would like to read more about Michael Weinstein, President of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, you may do so at the following link: Justice for Renters Download

Help Our Advocacy Efforts on Your Behalf

The Issues PAC of Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles (“AAGLA Issues PAC”) was established to advocate for and on behalf of the rights of all rental housing providers by opposing harmful policies and ballot measures targeting the multifamily rental housing industry  and advocating for and supporting polices and ballot measures favorable to multifamily rental housing providers.   

Contributions to AAGLA Issues PAC are not tax deductible.