Exclusive West Hollywood Seismic Retrofit Seminar 101
August 15, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
| Free for AAGLA MembersChoose Optimum Seismic’s Earthquake Engineering Experts for Your Apartment Retrofit
Get a Top-Quality, Cost-Effective Earthquake Retrofit for Your Building
West Hollywood and other cities such as Beverly Hills, Culver City, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and Pasadena, require earthquake retrofitting for “soft-story” multifamily residential buildings. Each city has established specific dates for this work to be completed.
Many rental property owners are retrofitting buildings to protect their real property investments after being required to do so by lenders and insurance companies, and to avoid potential legal exposure and liability when the next “Big One” happens.
Seismic retrofits involve engineering and construction to provide additional structural support to strengthen weaker areas of apartment buildings that are at risk of failure and collapse during earthquakes. Often, these involve “soft-story” buildings with “tuck-under” parking. Soft-story or tuck-under buildings generally have one or more sides that do not give adequate structural support to upper floors - these sides may typically be garages, carports or large window areas with units above them.
Learn how you can protect your real property from impacts of future earthquakes with seismic retrofitting by attending this important seminar. During this seminar, Optimum Seismic will cover:
- Don’t get taken by unscrupulous, “so-called” retrofit experts. Learn how to find a reputable contractor.
- Requirements and deadlines imposed by multiple Southern California jurisdictions, and building types requiring earthquake retrofits.
- Why should I retrofit my building now if I’m not required to do so? What liabilities could I face after a major earthquake if I have not taken steps to protect your residents?
- The seismic retrofitting process from A-to-Z: from design, to bid, to completion. What should I expect?
- Handling the “tenant factor” – what to do about parking during the retrofitting project?
- Possible timelines and costs for retrofit projects – If you have an approved design, learn how your project can be completed at a fixed fee.
- What is involved in a contract for seismic retrofit work? What important provisions should I know and understand before signing.
- What discounts are available to Apartment Association of Greater L.A. members.
- And, of course, much, much more! Q&A to Follow…