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4.6 Livable

Learn How Ratio Utility Billing Services (R.U.B.S.) Will Increase YOUR Bottom Line!

Livable Provides Enterprise-Level Utility Billing Tools for Rental Property Owners

SAVE MONEY!  Join us as we are once again joined by the “smart utility company,” Livable, the smart utility company.  Whether you’re a multifamily property owner or manager, Livable can help you to save money, conserve water and reduce your utility and trash hauling expenses by legally passing-through YOUR utility and waste hauling costs onto YOUR tenants, which then encourages YOUR tenants to conserve.

The City of Los Angeles recently announced a 6.15% increase in trash hauling fees and other local jurisdictions have followed suit by increasing the cost of water and other utility costs and services.  This webinar will show YOU how to leverage available technology to easily and fairly pass-through rising utility and trash hauling costs to your tenants. The Livable team will share valuable information on utility trends during COVID-19 shutdowns and beyond and show YOU how Livable’s services can help YOU hold tenants accountable for their utility usage.

The best part?  No property is too small to benefit from these tools, and free service options are available!  Livable, the smart utility company, provides a suite of cloud services designed to reduce consumption while adding to your bottom line.  Join us as we learn about the latest ways to maximize online tools and enterprise level billing systems that will save YOU money and reduce YOUR utility costs.

Livable is the cutting-edge Utility Management Platform for both residential and commercial property owners and put cost savings at the forefront of what they do. Whether YOU operate 2, or 2,000 units, Livable’s goal is to provide YOU with a simple way to recover utility costs, increase the value of YOUR investment, and build community around conservation.

During this webinar, Livable’s smart utility conservation experts will share information on how you can legally save money, rent control or no rent control, and conserve utilities. Topics will include:

  • What do “Ratio Utility Billing Services” mean? What does R.U.B.S. stand for?
  • What Enterprise-Level Utility Billing Tools exist and how can they help YOU?
  • How YOU can recover costs YOU currently pay from your tenants. Where do YOU start?
  • How can YOU legally deploy RUBS, step-by-step, under varying regulatory environments, including under rent control?
  • How much money can you save with RUBS? Is RUBS fair?
  • The latest technology tools and cloud services that can help YOU reduce utility consumption.
  • And, much, much more. Q&A to follow.

Livable is the smart utility billing company that has created products designed to save YOU money, as well as save the environment by encouraging conservation.  By using Livable’s Ratio Utility Billing System, or “RUBS,” you can easily allocate your property’s utility bills such as water, electricity, waste removal and others and charge these costs to your tenants.

If YOU have master-metered utilities such as water or un-metered utilities such as waste hauling, by using Livable’s RUBS technology, YOU can allocate these bills and charge your tenants for their fair share.  The best thing about Livable’s technology, it is all perfectly legal to use in California.

Webinar Details:

Date: April 6, 2021

Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Cost: Free for AAGLA Members

Ticket Expires Pricing
Member Ticket Apr 6, 2021 $0.00

Feature Presentation By:

Title Sponsor(s):

Lotus West Properties


Sarah Hoverson
Sarah HoversonAccount Executive, Livable
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